MDK is an action platformer developed by Shiny Entertainment for the PlayStation. Players control Kurt Hectic, a janitor tasked with saving Earth from alien Minecrawlers that devastate the planet's resources and inhabitants. Assisted by the eccentric Dr. Fluke Hawkins and his robotic dog Bones, Kurt battles through each Minecrawler to eliminate their pilots and thwart the invasion.
The game tells the story of Kurt Hectic, a janitor who reluctantly must attempt to save Earth from an alien invasion of gigantic strip mining city-size vehicles named `Minecrawlers`. These Minecrawlers are not only removing all of earth's natural resources, but are also crushing any people and cities that get in their way. Aided by his boss, the (possibly) insane inventor/scientist Dr. Fluke Hawkins, and a genetically engineered robotic two-legged/four-armed dog named Bones (although he prefers Max), Kurt must infiltrate each Minecrawler, and fight his way to the pilot, whom he must then kill before returning to Hawkins' in-orbit space station, the Jim Dandy.