Monster Race is a monster collecting and racing game published by Koei, released in Japan on March 6, 1998, for the PlayStation and Nintendo Game Boy. Players assume the role of a young boy aspiring to be a monster trainer and compete in the Monster Race World Championship. Players train their monsters to enhance their abilities, explore grassy terrains to capture new monsters, and race to build a formidable team.
A Koei published monster collecting and racing game in the vein of Pokémon. It was released in Japan on March 6th 1998 for the Sony Playstation and Nintendo Gameboy.
In the game you play a young boy who wants to be a monster trainer and win the Monster Race World Championship and for that the player has to train his monster so that way he becomes stronger and faster. The player can also catch new monsters that he can find in grass terrains and if he wins the race against them he can add them to his team.