Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 is a kart racing game developed by a team within Sony Computer Entertainment that later became known as Polyphony Digital. Initially released in the United States as Motor Toon Grand Prix, it serves as a precursor to the Gran Turismo series. The game was re-released in Europe in 2002 alongside Gran Turismo and became available on PlayStation Network in 2010. It supports the neGcon controller.
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 is a racing game whose development is considered a lead-in to the Gran Turismo series. It was developed by a development group within SCE that later formed Polyphony Digital. It was released in the US as Motor Toon Grand Prix, since its predecessor never left Japan. In 2002, the game was re-released in Europe in a Twin Pack with Gran Turismo, Kazunori Yamauchi's following game. In 2010, the game was re-released on PlayStation Network.
The game is compatible with Namco's neGcon analogue controller.