Nage Libre: Rasen no Soukoku is a sequel to the 1995 SNES game Nage Libre. The narrative follows five high school girls, Makoto, Ann, Mio, Sinobu, and Ituki, who are transported to a mysterious world called Nage. They engage in card-based battles to find a way back home. The gameplay features unique attacks that evolve based on selected extracurricular activities for each level.
Nage Libre Rasen No Soukoku is the sequel to the game Nage Libre that was released on SNES on 1995. The plot involves 5 high school female students (Makoto, Ann, Mio, Sinobu & Ituki) that stray off into a different world `Nage,` and fight in order to return to their former world.
The fighting technique is a card battle, and only the high school girl's lovely offense and defense develops. The attack changes depending on the kind of extracurricular activities selected when the stage begins.