Oumagatoki is a first-person horror adventure game set in the summer of 2001. Players control Tatsuhiro Oka Yuutarou as he pursues a mysterious woman named Kyoko through Tokyo. A sudden flash transports them to the Edo Period, where he loses his memory. The gameplay involves exploring the village to recover memories and solve mysteries. The game consists of three chapters, unlocking a fourth upon completion, with save data transferable to Oumagatoki 2.
Oumagatoki is an horror first person perspective adventure game that takes place during the summer of 2001 when Tatsuhiro Oka Yuutarou, a young man is chasing a woman (called Kyoko), who was running in Tokyo in the evening. When he catch her a sudden flash of light appears, and they are transported into the Edo Period. He lost his memory, and the player starts to go around the village and during the game he will recover his lost memories. The player will have to solve the mystery.
The game is divided into 3 chapters and when the player complete them a fourth one can be played. A save at the end of this game can be used at the start of the sequel Oumagatoki 2.