Paro Wars is a turn-based strategy game developed by Konami and released in 1997 exclusively in Japan. The game is inspired by the Parodius series, known for its humorous take on the Gradius franchise. As the sixth title in the Parodius lineup, Paro Wars offers gameplay similar to Cosmic Wars, set within the Gradius universe, and R-Type Tactics, which explores the R-Type universe.
A turn-based strategy game produced by Konami in 1997 in Japan only. It features characters and conflicts based upon the popular Parodius series of video games which in turn is a parody of the long running Gradius series. It is the sixth installment of the Parodius series and is the Parodius equivalent to Cosmic Wars, a turn-based strategy game set in the Gradius universe, or R-Type Tactics, set in the R-Type universe.