Persona 2: Innocent Sin is a Japanese role-playing game developed by Atlus, released for the PlayStation. It is the second title in the Persona series and serves as a direct sequel to Persona. Set in the fictional Sumaru City, the story follows Tatsuya Suou and his friends as they confront a mysterious antagonist known as the Joker. Players utilize turn-based combat and a unique Rumor system that affects the game's events.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin is a Japanese role-playing video game developed and released by Atlus It is the second entry in the Persona series and acts as a sequel to the original Persona. The original version was not localized for western territories, but the PSP version was released in North America and Europe under the title Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin. Innocent Sin takes place in the fictional Sumaru City, focusing on a group of high school students from Seven Sisters High School. The main protagonist, Tatsuya Suou, and a group of friends must confront a villainous figure called the Joker, who is causing the spread of reality-warping rumors through the city. The group are aided in their quest by their Personas, personified aspects of their personalities. The gameplay features turn-based battle gameplay, where characters use their Personas in battle against demons, and a separate Rumor system, where rumors spread around the city can influence events in the characters' favor.