This Modification for Ridge Racer replace all the music tracks from the game
with the new tracks from Ridge Racer 2/Ridge Racer Revolution. Due to the track
limit of six (6) selectable music tracks, two versions of the Mod are done, the
other being with the other six (6), the new tracks made for RR2/Revolution
The changes doesn't limit to in-race music, but also all the other (like main
menu, replay, etc...) are replaced too, giving a Ridge Racer 2 feeling! Since
there isn't a remix version of "Ridge Racer", I've used the Attract track
- Ridge Racer with Attract
- Rare Hero with Rare Hero 2
- Feeling Over with Feeling Over Remix
- Rotterdam Nation with Rotterdam Nation 94
- Speedster with Speedster Overheat
- Rhythm Shift with Rhythm Shift Remix
- All the other music with its Ridge Racer 2/Ridge Racer Revolution counterpart
North America:
Ridge Racer Japan SLPS-00001
Ridge Racer North America SCUS-94300
Ridge Racer Europe SCES-00001