Suzu Monogatari is a card battle role-playing game developed by Capcom, released exclusively in Japan in 2000 for the PlayStation. Players assume the role of a young boy named Suzumaru, tasked with recovering five lost bells belonging to a deity. To achieve this, he engages in card games with villagers, explores the environment, and recruits dogs and cats to assist in his quest for cards and items.
Suzu Monogatari is a card battle RPG released only in Japan by Capcom in 2000 for PlayStation. The player takes the role of a young kid named Suzumaru that after losing the 5 bells of the God is sent to the human realm to recover them, to do that he will have to go around the village talking to different people and playing card games. To get new cards and items he can fish, dig, or get them from his battles. Dogs and cats can also join Suzumaru to help look for items.