Teitoku no Ketsudan II, known as P.T.O. II in the West, is a strategy video game developed by Koei, focusing on the naval conflict between the United States and Japan during World War II. Released in 1993 for the NEC PC-9801, it has been ported to various platforms including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. An enhanced version was also made available for MS-DOS and compatible Windows systems.
P.T.O. II (Pacific Theater of Operations), released as Teitoku no Ketsudan II in Japan, is a Koei strategy video game that depicts the conflict between the USA and Japan during World War II. The video game is a sequel to P.T.O.. It was originally released in 1993 for the NEC PC-9801 and had been ported to various platforms since, such as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
The NEC PC-9801 version came with an enhancement pack. A version was released exclusively in Japan for the MS-DOS operating system; it also works on Windows operating systems from 3.1 through Windows ME.