Tekken is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, first released in arcades on December 9, 1994, in Japan and later on PlayStation on March 31, 1995. It features a roster of 17 diverse fighters, each with unique martial arts moves and special attacks. The game is noted for its smooth animation at 50 frames per second and received widespread acclaim for its gameplay mechanics and graphics.
Seventeen of the world's deadliest fighters, explosive martial arts moves and savage special attacks. All brought to life by super smooth animation running at a TV scorching 50 frames per second (Original description).
Tekken is the first game in the Tekken series. It was released in arcades on December 9, 1994 in Japan, and on December 11, 1994 in Europe and North America. It was then ported to the Sony PlayStation on March 31, 1995 in Japan, November 7, 1995 in Europe, and on November 8, 1995 in North America. The game was met with many positive reviews.