The Legend of Dragoon is a role-playing video game developed by Japan Studio and released for PlayStation in 1999. The game is set in a fantasy world where humanity battles against winged oppressors. Players control Dart, who embarks on a journey to unveil ancient powers and the history of Dragoons. It features turn-based combat with a distinctive mechanic known as addition attacks, adding depth to gameplay.
A peaceful beginning. The legend was born 10,000 years ago. A violent uprising. A civilization of flying creatures enslave the human race. A bloody war. In a bid for freedom, the humans harness the spiritual forces of Dragons and triumph. Tranquility and harmony exist between all. But the past and the future are about to collide...
Unveil a fantasy of magnificence, deception, magical combat and retribution. The journey that seeks the past ends. And the journey to discover today begins. Unleash the spirit of the Dragoons. And discover your destiny.