The Simpsons Wrestling is a sports video game developed for the PlayStation, featuring iconic characters from the animated series. Players can choose from 20 characters, each voiced by the original cast, executing unique moves and power attacks. The gameplay unfolds in various 3D locations from Springfield, with matches concluded by pinning an opponent for a three count, including belly-down pins.
The Simpsons Wrestling is a sports video game and the only Simpsons game released for the PlayStation. There are 20 characters in the game, all of whom are voiced by the same actors that provide their voices in the show, and each character executes their own exclusive moves and gestures and power moves in the wrestling ring. The matches take place in detailed 3D locations from Springfield. A round in the game ends when one wrestler pins their opponent for a three count. Two victorious rounds wins a match. Unlike in traditional wrestling rules, the opponent may be pinned belly-down.