Tiny Bullets is an action-adventure game for PlayStation that features gameplay akin to classic platformers. Players control Horin as he navigates diverse environments, utilizing abilities such as jumping, climbing, and swinging. The game involves combat against various monsters and overcoming traps. Horin can collect items like keys and health boosts, with an optional hint system for guidance.
Tiny Bullets is an action-adventure game that plays remarkably similar to Tomb Raider. Horin has a variety of actions he can perform, including jumping, climbing, swinging on poles, pushing blocks, shooting things with his slingshot, and even picking up and throwing small objects. Making his way through different areas, he must fight with monsters, as well as avoid and escape traps. He can also find and store a variety of items, including keys and healing items to keep his health up. There is even an option to get hints on the current stage if you get stuck.