Tomb Raider Chronicles is the fifth installment in the Tomb Raider series, serving as a follow-up to Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. Developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive, it features a similar gameplay style with enhanced puzzle-solving and platforming mechanics. New abilities include walking on tightropes and using a grappling hook. The game also introduces a level editor for player-generated content.
Tomb Raider: Chronicles is the fifth game in the Tomb Raider series and the sequel to Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. It was developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. Like its predecessors, Tomb Raider: Chronicles is an action game with puzzle-solving and platforming elements. The gameplay is very similar to that of the previous games, with the addition of a few new skills. Lara can now walk on tightropes, swing on horizontal bars, and somersault forwards from a ledge while crouching. A grappling hook has been added to her inventory. The game also includes a level editor, allowing the player to create new stages for Lara to explore.