J.League Jikkyō Winning Eleven 2001, also known as World Soccer Winning Eleven 4, is a sports video game developed by Konami for the PlayStation, released exclusively in Japan in June 2001. It serves as a sequel to J.League Winning Eleven 2000 and features 28 club teams from both tiers of the J. League, alongside seven foreign teams from European leagues. The game utilizes the engine from Winning Eleven 2000.
J.League Jikkyō Winning Eleven 2001 (known as World Soccer Winning Eleven 4) is a sports video game developed by Konami for the PlayStation exclusively in Japan in June 2001. It is an addition to the Winning Eleven J-League series, and the successor to the J.League Winning Eleven 2000. The game only features club teams (no national teams) and teams from both tiers of the J. League totalling 28 teams. The game also features seven foreign teams from the European football leagues. The game uses the Winning Eleven 2000 engine.