Anett Futatabi, the final installment in a Sega CD trilogy that includes El Viento and Earnest Evans, utilizes a side-scrolling beat 'em up gameplay model. Players control the protagonist, Anett, who navigates through each level using physical strikes and magical abilities to vanquish adversaries until confronting the stage's ultimate boss. The magic powers depend on a replenishing energy bar that strengthens the potency of attacks, peaking at a screen-consuming assault.
The game plays like a side-scrolling beat 'em up, with you controlling Anett as she marches through each stage beating every enemy she encounters with her sword and magical powers until she reaches the stage boss. Anett's magical powers are triggered by spending an energy bar that is constantly refilling, depending on the amount of power available you'll cause more damage all the way up to a screen-clearing attack.
It is the third in a trilogy of games, which includes El Viento, Earnest Evans and Anett Futatabi