Battlecorps is a large-scale mech game set in a mining planet referred to as Mandlebrot's World, developed for the Sega CD. Following a virus infection, the colony's mother computer causes the enormous machines to revolt against their creators. The player is required to navigate their bipedal assault machine through a series of 12 missions to restart the computer. The game’s visual aspect employs enlarged and pivoted sprites to establish a 3D atmosphere, akin to other titles by Core Design on the Sega CD.
Battlecorps is a giant-mech game that takes place on a mining planet known as Mandlebrot's World. The colony supercomputer has been infected with a virus, and now the planet's giant machines are turning against the people who created them. You must pilot your bipedal attack machine through 12 missions to reboot the computer.
The graphics in this game use scaled and rotated sprites to achieve a 3D environment. The effect is similar to other Core Design games for the Sega CD.