"Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm" is a Sega CD game set in the post-apocalyptic Xenozoic Age. Following a catastrophic event in 2020 A.D., humanity was driven underground, emerging years later into a world overtaken by dinosaurs. This transformation is believed by the Grith, a mutant race, to be due to a destabilization of the natural order. The protagonist Jack Tenrec, selected by the Grith along with his associate Hannah Dundee, must thwart the City in the Sea's leader Scharnhorst's attempts to further disrupt this balance using outdated technology. Their weapon of choice is a red 1953 Cadillac equipped with machine guns. Throughout their mission, they encounter aggressive dinosaurs and must avoid causing further harm to the environment. The vehicular gameplay requires careful navigation to prevent damage to the Cadillac, which is powered by volcanic energy.
You find yourself in the so-called Xenozoic Age - after a cataclysm in 2020 A.D., mankind was forced to hide beneath the surface. Once it could come out again, it found the world terribly changed, with dinosaurs roaming freely once again. A mysterious mutant-like race, called the Grith, believe the cataclysm was caused by the upsetting of the natural balance. Now, the leader of the restored City in the Sea, Scharnhorst, is using old technology and disrupting the balance again. The Girth chose you, Jack Tenrec, and your partner Hannah Dundee, to rid the world of Scharnhorst. And you get to do it in a red '53 Cadillac with mounted machine guns.
While you're at the task, you must battle hungry, mean dinosaurs, but also be careful not to upset the balance of nature. Also, try not to upset your volcanic-energy fueled caddy by hitting too much obstacles along the way.