"Earnest Evans" is a Sega CD game set in the 1930s, where the protagonist, a renowned archaeologist, discovers three potent idols capable of annihilating life on Earth. These idols were dispersed across the globe by the wind god, Hastur. However, Earnest Evans is incapacitated before he can finish his quest, leaving his mission to his grandson after five decades. This game is the second in a trilogy that also comprises "El Viento", and "Anett Futatabi".
In the 1930's, famed archaeologist Earnest Evans unearthed his greatest challenge: three ancient idols that together could bring an end to life on Earth. The idols were scattered at random throughout the world by the god of the winds, Hastur, before its power was crushed. Yet Evans was injured before he could complete the search. Fifty years pass and now its up to Dr. Evans' grandson Earnest to save the world.
It is the second in a trilogy of games, which includes El Viento, Earnest Evans and Anett Futatabi