Ground Zero Texas is a Sega CD game where the player operates as a government technician tasked with safeguarding a small town on the Texan-Mexican border. This locality has become the target for extraterrestrial beings aiming to launch a large-scale invasion by abducting and morphing the local residents into humanoid drones. The player utilizes specially designed gun-mounted cameras to monitor the town, identify disguised aliens, and respond accordingly in order to ensure the safety of the townsfolk and government agents. This game bears resemblances in its mechanics to Night Trap and Double Switch.
Space aliens are infiltrating the U.S. from a sleepy little town on the Texas/Mexico border, snatching bodies and paving the way for a greater invasion. Those they abduct return as Pod People-like drones, normal in appearance until they reveal themselves. The government's response is you - a technician driving custom-built gun cameras mounted around the town. Similar to Night Trap or Double Switch, you must monitor the town for alien activity, and respond to protect the lives of the citizens and your agents.