Heavy Nova is a 1991 action video game developed by Micronet for the Sharp X68000, later ported to Sega Mega-CD in Japan, alongside Sol-Feace, as part of the system's two launch titles. The Sega Mega-CD version, however, was not released internationally. A North American release came about when the game was then ported to the Sega Mega Drive in 1992. The game involves controlling a giant mechanized warrior, engaging in combat with variously sized opposing mechs, using punch (A) and kick (B) functions. Additionally, the game features a button-activated long-duration rocket-powered rise, followed by a return to the ground.
Heavy Nova is a 1991 action game for the Sharp X68000 by Micronet. It was ported to the Sega Mega-CD as one of the system's two launch titles (the other being Wolf Team's Sol-Feace); the Mega-CD port was not released outside Japan. Micronet subsequently ported it to the Sega Mega Drive for an American release in 1992.
You play as a giant mech beating up other mechs of various sizes. A punches and B kicks. Up rockets up for as long as the button is held; you will eventually come back down.