Heimdall is an action-adventure video game designed for Sega CD, developed by The 8th Day and published by Core Design. The gameplay, situated in a Viking and Norse mythology backdrop, revolves around the titular character, Heimdall and his crew navigating through three maps: Utgard, Midgard, and Asgard to recover the three stolen artifacts of Norse gods. Combining elements of combat, puzzle-solving, and interactions in an isometric perspective, its gameplay style echoes that of the Legend of Zelda series.
Heimdall is an action-adventure computer game developed by a team called The 8th Day and published by Core Design.
The game is set in the world of Vikings and Norse mythology. Loki steals Odin's sword, Freyr's spear and Thor's hammer, rendering them powerless. They decide to create an infant, the title character (named after the god of the same name), who must bring back the three legendary weapons.
The game sees Heimdall and his crew travelling around an archipelago of islands in three different maps: Utgard, Midgard and Asgard. They travel engaging monsters in combat, interacting with the locals, solving puzzles and avoiding traps, a blend of styles somewhat similar to that found in the Legend of Zelda games. The cartoon-style action is viewed in the isometric perspective.