Jeopardy! for Sega CD is a gaming adaptation of the same titled televised quiz show. It notably incorporates full-motion video depictions of Alex Trebek, the host, and participants, complimented by a digital rendition of the theme music and Trebek's commentary. The game allows single or multiple player modes, where players can choose their character's count, gender, and aesthetics. With the copious storage capacity of CD technology compared to that era's cartridge format, the game features an extensive question database.
Based on the TV quiz show of the same name. This CD game features full motion video sprites of the host, Alex Trebek, and the contestants as well as digital track of the theme song and the host's voice.
You can play in a multiplayer game or against the computer and can select the number of contestants and the gender and appearance of your own contestant.
There is a larger database of questions than any of the cartridge versions due to the increased capacity of the CD media versus cartridge media of the time.