Lunar: Eternal Blue is a role-playing video game developed by Game Arts for the Sega CD, released in 1994. Set 1,000 years after its predecessor, the game follows Hiro and his companion Ruby as they uncover the mysteries of the Blue Spire and a mysterious girl. Players embark on a quest to find the Goddess Althena to stop the malevolent Zophar from plunging Lunar into darkness.
Come back to the enchanting world of Lunar! Join Hiro and Ruby 1,000 years after the first adventure, as they work to unlock the secrets of the Blue Spire and the strange young girl they found within it! But be careful! Forces are at work trying to revive the evil Zophar and immerse Lunar in darkness forever! Journey to distant lands in search of the Goddess Althena, who may be the only one powerful enough to stop Zophar. Along the way, you'll meet exciting new characters, fight fully animated monsters, traverse snow-covered peaks, and crawl through slimy dungeons as you work towards the terrifying climax!