Mad Dog McCree, an acclaimed arcade game globally recognized for being the pioneer of interactive shooting games featuring authentic live motion picture action, was released for Sega CD. The narrative revolves around a criminal, Mad Dog, who along with his cronies, abducts the Mayor and his daughter. The player's task is to rescue the hostages, confronting a legion of outlaws in a saloon, thwarting a high stakes bank heist, tackling gunfighters, navigating through numerous Wild West ambushes, and finally facing Mad Dog. This game launched the thrilling Mad Dog series.
Real motion picture action!
Mad Dog McCree is known worldwide as one of the highest rated arcade games and is the first interactive shooting game with real live motion picture action. Mad Dog and his men have kidnapped the town's Mayor and his daughter. To save the town, you will be challenged by a saloon full of outlaws, a hair-raising bank robbery, gunfighters, a slew of old West ambushes, and Mad Dog himself. Mad Dog McCree is the first of a series of exciting Mad Dog adventures.