Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse is a platform-based video game for Sega CD that chronicles Mickey Mouse's past escapades. The game consists of various levels inspired by notable Mickey Mouse cartoons, tracing as far back as "Steamboat Willie" to "The Prince and the Pauper". Player actions include jumping, hurling marbles at enemies, and solving intermittent puzzles. The Sega CD variant is touted to be the most comprehensive of the initial three releases, encompassing an upgraded CD-quality soundtrack, additional stage sections, and an exclusive level absent in the SNES edition.
Mickey Mouse gets a chance to go down memory lane and walk through the timeless adventures he has lived. Mickey Mania is a platformer where all the levels are based on Mickey's most famous cartoons. The levels range about 75 years, starting off with "Steamboat Willie" and going all the way to "The Prince and the Pauper".
The gameplay consists mostly of jumping and marble throwing at enemies, with an occasional puzzle element.
The Sega CD version of Mickey Mania is the most complete of the original three releases (SNES, Genesis and Sega CD). It has a CD-quality soundtrack, new sections of stages and the level which was missing from the SNES version.