Samurai Shodown, a hinge point in the history of Japan where a man, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa propagates an unorthodox faith. Unbeknownst to most, Amakusa is an underling of the malevolent entity, Ambrosia who possesses Amakusa's form. Ambrosia plots to veil the globe in darkness. Players can select from 12 plus 3 extra characters to combat for the privilege of vanquishing Amakusa, thereby accomplishing their mission. Available for Sega CD.
In early Japan, a man named Shiro Tokisada Amakusa preaches a heretic religion. Little does anyone know that Amakusa is really a servant of the evil Ambrosia, who took over Amakusa's body. Ambrosia wishes to shroud the world in darkness. Now, choose between 12 warriors (and 3 bonus characters) to fight for the honor of destroying Amakusa, and fulfilling a mission.