The Masked Rider: Kamen Rider ZO is a full motion video game for Sega CD, centered around the Japanese superhero, the Masked Rider. The character, a genetically altered man and grasshopper hybrid who rides a motorcycle, engages in 10 battles against the film's principal characters. The gameplay involves watching the video and pressing the right direction or button at the opportune moment for success. The movie's visual cues suggest the correct buttons to press. Proper timing can cause greater damage to enemies and reduce the player's health if incorrect.
The Masked Rider is a Japanese super hero, a man who has become genetically altered to be a man/grasshopper who rides a motorcycle.
This FMV game adapts scenes from the movie Masked Rider ZO, and creates a Dragon's Lair style experience. The game centers around 10 battles of the film's 3 main characters.
The player watches the video and hits the correct direction or button at the right time to achieve success. The visual cues of the movie suggest the correct buttons. For example, when the Masked Rider punches, the player should press the Punch button. If he dodges left on screen, the player should press the left direction pad. Correct timing hits the enemy harder, lowering their health bar. Failure reduces the players health.