Lunar: Sanposuru Gakuen is a spin-off title set in the Lunar universe, specifically in the town of Burg, inhabited by harvesters. Players control two protagonists, Ellie and Lena, who embark on an adventure to the island of Ien to study magic. The game features traditional Japanese RPG mechanics, including top-down exploration, random enemy encounters, and turn-based battles presented in a first-person perspective. A fan translation is available, as it was not officially released in English.
This is a side-story, set in the same world as the famous Lunar RPGs: Silver Star and Eternal Blue. The town of Burg is populated by harvesters, and you take control of two girls, Ellie and Lena. One day, they are sent to the island of Ien where they should study magic, and there begins their adventure.
The game is a traditional Japanese-style RPG. You navigate your party through a top-down world, visiting towns and hostile areas. Enemy encounters are random, the battles are turn-based and are viewed from first-person perspective.
Whilst not officially released in English, there is now a completed fan-translation of this game.