SD Gundam Winner's History is a turn-based strategy game developed for the Sega Game Gear as part of the Gundam franchise. Players command a force of mecha units in battles across diverse settings, including space and planetary surfaces. The objective involves capturing key locations to generate new units and larger ships, enabling automation or manual control during fights. The game features a campaign mode and options for single and multiplayer play.
SD Gundam Winner's History is a turn-based strategy game, with some action elements, part of Gundam franchise.
Player controls a small army of robots and fights against enemy's army. Battles take place in various environments: space, atmosphere or planet's surface. Player has to occupy specific points and factories. These produce new work and larger space ships. Battle between robots is a duel 1:1 - robot can operate automatically or be manually controlled. Larger space ships can bombard enemy from safe place.
Game has campaign, player can play on single map, and against other player.