Bahamut Senki is a turn-based strategy game released exclusively in Japan for the Sega Genesis. Set in a world divided into eight nations, players choose to control one of these countries, comprising both human and evil factions. The objective is to dominate rivals through military and diplomatic actions. Players manage their leader, recruit units, and engage in tactical battles using both soldiers and magical creatures.
A turn based strategy war game only released in Japan.
The world of Bahumut is divided into eight powerful countries, four of which are ruled by humans or human-like creatures, while the other four are ruled by evil forces. These countries constantly wage war against one another trying to dominate and destroy the others. It's the player's job to choose which country to control and make it the most powerful country in all of Bahumut.
At the beginning of each turn, you control your leader and take certain actions such as: recruit soldiers, declare war, engage in diplomatic talks, ect. In battles you can control several units of soldiers or magical creatures you can summon to assist you in battle.