Langrisser II, a turn-based strategy game, was devised by Team Career, a subsidiary of Masaya, and launched by the parent firm, NCS Corporation. Initially released on the Nintendo Wii via the Virtual Console, it was subsequently made available for Windows through a retro-gaming portal. While the first game in the series, Warsong, was released internationally, almost all subsequent Langrisser titles and remakes have remained exclusively within Japan.
Langrisser II is a turn-based strategy game that was developed by Team Career, part of Masaya, and published by the parent company NCS Corporation.
This version of the game was released on the Nintendo Wii through the Virtual console and was later released for Windows though a classic games service.
Unlike the first Langrisser, known as Warsong internationally, almost all of the other games and remakes in the series have not been released outside of Japan.