The Lion King is a platform game for Sega Genesis based on the 1994 animated film. Players control Simba, a young lion cub navigating challenges as he matures. After fleeing his home due to guilt over his father's death, Simba explores various settings, encountering friends like Pumbaa and Timon while overcoming dangers and learning important life lessons on his journey back to reclaim his rightful place.
The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a lion cub faced with the challenging transition to maturity. Believing himself to be responsible for his father's death, Simba enters the wilderness - where he finds salvation with Pumbaa the warthog and Timon the meerkat, and his education begins.
Take control of the young cub Simba and, through interaction as detailed as the lust terrain, guide him safely through.