Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom is a role-playing video game developed by Sega for the Sega Genesis. This installment features an enhanced dialogue overhaul project that aimed to improve the text within the game. Although the original project is no longer available, it has been succeeded by a newer translation by R. Capowski, Peaches, and lory1990, further refining the gaming experience.
This project cleaned up various dialogue in Phantasy Star III. However, it is no longer available on RHDN, and has been obsoleted by by R. Capowski, Peaches, and lory1990.
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (USA, Europe, Korea).bin
No-Intro: Genesis (v. 20180824-045026)
SHA-1: 59D4914E652672FD1E453C76B8250D17E8CA154E
CRC32: C6B42B0F
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