Super Fantasy Zone is a platform shooter developed by Sunsoft, released in 1992 for the Sega Genesis. This installment in the Fantasy Zone series features vibrant graphics and unique gameplay where players control the character Opa-Opa. The game was not released in North America as a cartridge but later became available on the Wii's Virtual Console, expanding its audience.
Super Fantasy Zone is an entry in the Fantasy Zone series of games, and was initially released in 1992 for the Sega Mega Drive. Unlike previous outings, Super Fantasy Zone was handled entirely by Sunsoft (under license from Sega), who had previously brought Fantasy Zone and Fantasy Zone II to the Nintendo Famicom.
For unknown reasons the game was not released in cartridge form in North America, but is currently unconfirmed as being a Sega Channel title. It eventually saw a more widespread release as part of the Wii's Virtual Console service.