Delisoba Deluxe is a racing game developed for the Sega Saturn by CAVE and TBS Television. Inspired by the Japanese game show Tokyo Friend Park, it features players controlling a virtual motorcycle to deliver soba noodles. The Deluxe version enhances gameplay with additional features like time attack and a track editor. This title was distributed as a promotional item rather than being sold in retail outlets.
A driving/racing game for Sega Saturn developed by CAVE and TBS Television.
It was made as a tie-in to TBS's mid-1990s Japanese game show Tokyo Friend Park, where one of the games, Delisoba (`delivery soba`), had celebrities command a virtual motorcycle trying to deliver soba to the TBS TV Studios. Deluxe is a `port` of this game to the Saturn, which adds features such as a time attack and track editor, and was not sold in stores, but rather given away at the show (either to winners or to audience members, exactly what is unknown).