EVE: The Lost One is a visual novel developed for the Sega Saturn, centering on the female detective Kyoko as she investigates a complex murder case filled with betrayal and political intrigue. Alongside the enigmatic character known as Snake, players navigate through various interactions and mysteries, experiencing a narrative that unfolds across four CD-ROMs.
Follow the female detective called Kyoko, and the mysterious Snake, as they try to solve a complex mystery full of betrayals and political intrigues.
Kyoko is an agent who investigates a murder case. She is much more talkative; she makes much more comments, meets more people, her thinking is less enigmatic, her motives clear.
On the other hand Snake is much more mysterious. It's not possible to know know his true identity, his goal is unknown, and it's impossible to tell whose side he is on.
Experience the direct sequel to one of the greatest visual novels ever made in an adventure spanning 4 CD-ROMs.