Feda Remake The Emblem of Justice is a tactical role-playing game developed by Max Entertainment and published by Yanoman Games. Released for the Sega Saturn in 1996, this remake of the original 1994 Super Famicom title follows two soldiers who rebel against a corrupted empire they once served. Both versions were exclusive to Japan, showcasing strategic gameplay and character development.
Feda: The Emblem of Justice (フェーダ エンブレム・オブ・ジャスティス) is a tactical role playing game developed by Max Entertainment and published by Yanoman Games that was originally released for the Super Famicom in 1994. The game centers around two soldiers forced to fight against the now-corrupted empire they used to serve. A version for the Sega Saturn, titled Feda Remake!, was released in 1996. Both versions were released exclusively in Japan.