Heir of Zendor: The Legend and the Land is a turn-based strategy game released for the Sega Saturn and serves as a sequel to Gotha: Ismailia Seneki. Set on the planet Zendor, characterized by floating continents and precious water resources, players control the Prince of Zendor in a quest to defeat the Five Kings. Gameplay involves completing mission objectives, deploying units, and engaging in tactical combat.
Heir of Zendor: The Legend and the Land is a turn-based strategy game and a sequel to Gotha: Ismailia Seneki.
The game is set on Zendor, a planet with floating continents thanks to anti-gravity ore. The most important resource is water, which after the Great Wars still remained only in the continent named Terra Sancta. The player assumes the role of the Prince of Zendor, commander of the Zendorian Squadron of the Royal Alliance Expeditionary Forces and needs to defeat the "Five Kings".
As any strategy game, Heir of Zendor has objective driven stages called missions. Completing these objectives the player reaches new missions. The player needs to deploy ships, arm them, move each unit individually or as a complete formation, and when the player's units are close enough to attack the enemies, command their in battle (that consists in: select a weapon, select a target and shoot). Turn ends when all player's units moved or attacked an enemy.