Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo: Hoshimitou Kanashimi no Hukushuuki is a detective adventure game for the Sega Saturn. The story follows the investigation into the death of an idol manager, initially ruled a suicide. Former idol Katsuragi Yo and her friend Takuya Asagiri seek revenge, while Kindaichi and his companions also uncover the truth at the Hoshijima leisure facility, where various stakeholders converge.
The idol at the height of the popularity got involved in a scandal scandal. Idol manager Tachibana Yufu was searching for the truth of it and was found dead. The police asserted Yufu's death as suicide, but there were two people who had suspicions in that.
One was former idol and Yufu's best friend Katsuragi Yo and another one Yufu's fiance Takuya Asagiri. The two of them decided to take revenge at a leisure facility `Hoshijima` where the stakeholders gathered, but there was a also present a grandson of Kaneda detective Kindaichi and his friends...