Machi is an interactive adventure for Sega Saturn featuring eight distinct protagonists, each facing unique challenges in Tokyo's Shibuya district. Spanning five in-game days, the narrative unfolds through a series of live-action still photographs. Players navigate various storylines simultaneously, making choices that influence the outcomes of multiple characters through intricate connections and unexpected cause-and-effect scenarios.
Machi is a story of 8 unrelated protagonists, all with their own problems and objectives, all living in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Japan. The story spans 5 in-game days and is told through a huge number of live-action still photographs. Each of the protagonists lead a completely different story that even defies genres.
The player must play all of the stories in parallel, jumping across different protagonists, and backtracking to re-select branches which not only affect the active protagonist, but also other protagonists through often bizarre twists of causality.