Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge is a fighting game developed for the Sega Saturn, serving as a sequel to Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors. Players engage in head-to-head battles featuring iconic characters and newcomers, including Donovan, Huitzil, Hsien-Ko, and Pyron. The game is noted for its enhanced graphics, faster gameplay, and diverse moves, offering a thrilling experience in the supernatural realm.
The Darkstalkers return and now crave the fury of a good night fight. In this head-to-head fighting challenge, creatures from your darkest nightmares battle for eternal control fo the night. Treacherous, classic favorites take on 4 new challengers for total domination. Donovan, the Dark Hunter. Huitzil, the Killer Machine. Hsien-Ko, the Chinese Ghost. And Pyron, the ultimate Alien ruler. The battle has never been as intense, with faster speeds, more captivating moves and even more incredible graphics. Night Warriors; the game of your dreams, and nightmares.