Ronde is a tactical role-playing game released for the Sega Saturn and serves as the third entry in the Majin Tensei series. Set in 2008, the narrative follows Asuka Miroku and his brother Satoshi, who become entangled in a conflict after a crystal statue revives the demon Moloch during an exhibition of Aztec culture, leading to a demon outbreak in cyberspace and a quest to rescue Satoshi.
A tactical RPG released on the Sega Saturn. It is the third installment in the Majin Tensei series.
The year is 2008 as researchers from T University discover a crystal statue in the ruins of an Aztec civilization along with a series of characters. When decoded by a computer, these characters invoke the revival of a demon and an outbreak of demons within cyberspace.
At the start of the game in August, the protagonist, Asuka Miroku and his younger brother, Satoshi Miroku, are attending an exhibition of the Aztec culture at the Tokyo National Museum with two of Asuka's old friends from school, Keita Matsumoto and Sakurako Saotome. Suddenly, the crystal statue comes to life as the demon Moloch and abducts Satoshi, forcing Asuka and his friends into a battle to rescue him.