"Sakura Wars 2," delivered as a sequel to the initial Sega Saturn best-seller, emerges as one the system's last noteworthy ventures. Situated in Tokyo in the early 20th century, players embody Oogami Ichirou, a naval officer tasked with protecting the city from menacing entities. Original all-female characters are reintroduced alongside two supplementary members. The grid-oriented tactical combats are enhanced, better spell attacks, improved visual elements, as well as LIPS interactive dialogues boasting high production quality, vibrant colors, and novel elements of interaction.
The sequel to the original Sega Saturn system seller (in Japan at least) becomes one of the Saturn's last great hurrahs. Head back to early 1900's Tokyo as Oogami Ichirou, a naval commander who's now become the last line of defense against the demons that stalk the capital. The all-female cast from the original returns in full, joined by two additional members. The grid-based strategy battles from the original are improved with better spell attacks and cleaner graphics, while the "LIPS" interactive conversation sequences feature better production values, color depth and a few additional twists on interactivity.