Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin is a fighting game developed by SNK for the Sega Saturn, released as the fourth installment in the Samurai Shodown series. It serves as the second and concluding chapter connecting the narratives of Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown II, following the events of Samurai Shodown III. The game continues to emphasize the series' signature weapon-based combat and character development.
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge, also known as Samurai Spirits: Amakusa's Descent (サムライスピリッツ天草降臨 Samurai Supirittsu Amakusa Kōrin, TenSamu in short) in Japan, is the fourth in SNK's flagship Samurai Shodown series of fighting games. Chronologically, it is the second and final chapter of a story between Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown II, with Samurai Shodown III being the first chapter.