Shockwave Assault, also known as Shock Wave, is a science fiction flight combat shooting game developed for platforms including the Sega Saturn. Players pilot a futuristic aircraft to combat extraterrestrial forces, utilizing lasers and rockets against enemy ships and tripods. The game spans two discs, with missions set on Earth and Mars, and features an exclusive sequel for 3DO titled Shockwave 2: Beyond the Gate.
Shockwave Assault, also released as simply Shock Wave, is a science fiction flight combat shooting game for the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, PlayStation, Sega Saturn, PC and the Macintosh. The player takes on control of a futuristic plane to defeat many extraterrestrial ships and tripods. The plane's main weapons are lasers and rockets. The game includes two discs. The first disc takes place on earth where the player must liberate the planet from the alien invaders. The second disc takes place on Mars. The game received a 3DO-exclusive sequel, Shockwave 2: Beyond the Gate.
Shock Wave was a pack-in game for the Goldstar 3DO.