Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Itsuka Kakumei Sareru Monogatari is a Sega Saturn game based on the 1997 anime. Set between episodes eight and nine, it features an original protagonist who transfers to Ohtori Academy. The visual novel and dating sim blend allows players to influence characters' "Heart's Nobility" through dialogue choices, affecting the game's multiple endings and romantic dynamics within the series' context.
Based on the 1997 anime, Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Itsuka Kakumei Sareru Monogatari tells an original story which is set between episodes eight and nine of the TV series. The main character of the game is an original character who transfers to Ohtori Academy.
The game is in the style of a visual novel with strong dating sim elements. The major characters each possess a statistic called "Heart's Nobility" which the player affects through dialog choices that appear sporadically during play. Each character's level of Heart's Nobility determines how the game will end. The special endings available for characters that end with particularly high Heart's Nobility represent the game's dating sim element, but because it is set within the larger plot of the TV series the relationships are usually somewhat platonic, or one-sided affections on the part of the main character.