Strikers 1945 is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the Sega Saturn, set in a fictional post-World War II era. Following the establishment of a rogue military organization known as CANY, which possesses advanced weaponry, a coalition of skilled pilots dubbed the Strikers is formed. Players engage in aerial combat against CANY forces across various global locations to restore peace.
In 1945, the second world war ended. Soon, there was peace, but an organization of high-ranking military officers from all over the world form a global army known as CANY. Their mission was to conquer the world. CANY activity was found in areas like the Soviet Union, America, Japan, and even Germany. It is revealed that CANY had weapons never seen before from rockets to mechanical walkers. The world quickly formed a group of pilots and planes called the Strikers whose mission is to rid of CANY from the world.