The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga is an action-adventure game developed for Sega Saturn. Players control the Hulk, utilizing his strength and abilities to combat enemies. As the Hulk accumulates gamma energy, he can unleash special moves, including the Vortex Spin and Floor Hammer. Players can also find bonus items to summon Pantheon allies Atalanta, Ulysses, Ajax, and Hector for additional support in battle.
True to the comic books, the Hulk relies on no other weapons than his massive muscles to punch, kick and crush his enemies. When he has accumulated enough gamma energy, he may use powerful special moves like a Vortex Spin or the Floor Hammer. Rare bonus items also allow the Hulk to summon one of the four Pantheon team members Atalanta, Ulysses, Ajax and Hector to assist in the thick of battle.